
人气指数:59 页面更新时间:2016-07-18 02:39

  南京国际学校是一所国际学校,根据国际上的教育规定去给学生们制定好的学习计划,学校按照年龄,把3岁至18岁的学生分成15个年级,3岁至10岁定为小学教育,11岁至15岁定为中学教育,16岁至18岁是大学预科教育。小学教育的课程包括英文、中文、法文、科学、艺术、体育和人文。一到八年级(即3岁到13岁)必修中文,六到八年级必修法文,从九年级开始,学生可按照自己的兴趣在中文和法文之间选择一门学习。 南京国际学校是中国大陆一所获得国际文凭组织(IBO)授权,教授从小学、中学到大学预科三个项目的学校,确保南京国际学校在课程设置和教学方式上,可与国外教育合理地衔接。

  On behalf of Nanjing International School (NIS) I would like to welcome you to our website. I hope you find it useful and reflective of the warm community spirit that exists at NIS. NIS was founded in 1992 and is proud to be Nanjing’s only IB World School. At present we are home to 720 students from 45 nationalities. We like to think there is a place for all at NIS, an inclusive learning community, as we are proud of our diversity. We pay particular attention to the individual development of each student.

  Our Mission – NIS is an inclusive learning community inspiring international mindedness, personal excellence, creative thinking.

  NIS is a technology focused school, with all students using wireless laptop computers as an essential tool in their daily learning. Students in MYP and DP grades work in a one-to-one Mac laptop environment, while in Primary we have carts of computers for each grade level and we are piloting an iPad-mini roll out in Grade 1. Our Macquarium, which houses our Mac centre, is a hub of action in the centre of the school serving the needs of students and teachers.

  NIS has a very strong sense of community spirit, which is held by students, parents and staff. The best way to experience the NIS community spirit is to visit our stunning campus. The Centre is our community building which welcomes parents daily into our café overlooking the swimming pools.

  All our students have the opportunity to study Mandarin Chinese, with Primary students having classes every day. We are proud of being an international school in the ancient capital and cultural centre of China. Coming to NIS and living in Nanjing is an opportunity not to be missed.


  NIS History: Officially opened by a small group of expatriate parents on October 14th 1992, with 5 students, NIS was a school for very young children only. It was the product of parents who were concerned that being in China should not present an obstacle to the family being together, nor to the children receiving a good education.

  After several years in rented rooms in a local school, NIS moved with a handful of students to the Dingshan Hotel (later called Shangri-La). With the help of local businesses, six rooms were renovated for use as a school. Between 1997 and 2004, NIS renovated more and more rented facilities at the Shangri-La. The school grew from 35 to 300 students in this time.

  In 2004, NIS moved to its own pure-built premises in Xianlin College and University Town, on the outskirts of Nanjing. Realising this dream was the culmination of a sustained team effort, lasting several years.

  The closeness of the NIS community, so prevalent in the 1990s, is something we still value highly today. Our school is a friendly and open place, and we hope that your family too, like those before you, will feel welcome and at home in our school. It is our 20th anniversary and we care deeply about maintaining a strong sense of our roots.


  电话: 86 25 8589 9111

  传真: 86 25 8589 9222

  邮箱:: Enquiries




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